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Phone: 425-822-5700
Scott McDonald and Associates PLLC

63% of Youngest Drivers Plead Guilty to Driving Distracted

The youngest and most inexperienced Washinton drivers are the ones most likely to be using handheld cellphones or texting while driving. 63% of drivers under 30 nation wide admit having driven while using a handheld cellphone. 30% admit having driven while text messaging. Scary!!

  • 5,500 deaths were caused by distracted driving in 2009.
  • Car crashes are the leading cause of teen deaths.

Here in Washington, drivers under 18 years old are strictly prohibited from using a cell phone while driving period. No calls and no texting. The sole exception are for emergency calls only, i.e. to the police or emergency personel.
Distracted driving is clearly an epidemic in Washington and across the country. There are tons of news reports about the numbers of people talking on the phone and texting, but the message is not working. In the last week here in Washington we've seen 7-8 fatal car accidents.  Are they related to distracted driving, who knows, but it is out of the ordinary.

This year at least two teens in Washington have been killed in single car accidents because they were texting or talking on a cell phone while driving. How many more people need to lose their lives before we get the message?

If you've been injured in a Washington car, truck or motorcycle accident that was caused by a distracted driver the experience Washington injury attorneys at Scott McDonald and Associates can help. Call 425-822-5700 and order your No Cost copy of The Guide To Washington Injury Case. Don't sign any forms or agree to any recorded telephone statements before you read this book.