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Phone: 425-822-5700
Scott McDonald and Associates PLLC

I didn't call the police for my accident, what do I do?

One of the most important things any individual in a car accident should do is contact the police to document the events of the accident and have them fill out a police report. However, in the event you are in a minor accident and don’t feel either of you want to call the police (or for some reason the police won’t come to the accident) then it is critical you take down the other driver’s following information to assure a quick handling of your accident case:

  1. Date of birth,
  2. Driver’s license number,
  3. Address and telephone number,
  4. License plate number of the car,
  5. Insurance information (insurance company name and policy number),
  6. Importantly, have them show you their driver’s license to verify the information!

A quick method to get all of this information without worry about errors or potential deception on the other driver’s part is to simply use your cell phone camera to take a picture of their driver’s license and insurance card. Make sure the photo of the license is legible. This information is crucial for tracking down the other driver in the future should litigation be necessary. 

If you've been in an accident and feel that you wish to retain an attorney for your accident, consider contacting us for a free consultation regarding your case.