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Scott McDonald and Associates PLLC

Five Motorcycle Safety Myths That Can Be Deadly

There are some common misconceptions about motorcycles out there. Some of these "facts" about motorcycles can be dangerously wrong. Misconceptions about safety and crashes can lead to Washington motorcycle riders increasing their chance of an accident instead of reducing it. Motorcycle accident attorney, Max Meyers, discusses some of these potentially dangerous and popular myths.

Myth 1: Loud Pipes Decrease The Chance of an Accident.

Many bikers think that loud pipes let others on the road know they are close by, thus increasing their safety. However, statistics show that the most common accidents involving a motorcycle occur when a car suddenly turns in front of the motorcycle. In those cases, loud pipes don’t help. There is actually research that shows motorcycles with loud pipes crash more frequently. A couple factors may cause this, either drivers getting more aggressive or annoyed by the noise or the motorcyclists themselves get lulled into a sense of false security. It’s better to wear bright colored clothing for increased visibility than have loud pipes.

Myth 2: Motorcycle Helmets Don't Save Lives.

There’s nothing like the wind through your hair and bugs in your teeth! Many bikers feel this way and argue helmet laws are a restriction of their personal freedom.  Some bikers think that it is safer to not wear a helmet because it actually worsens their hearing and vision. Nothing is further from the truth. A helmet protects bikers from serious head injuries, which is a if not the leading cause of death in motorcycle accidents. Helmets absorbing impact shock. Normal peripheral vision is between 200 and 220. A helmet also helps decrease wind noise which reduces rider fatigue. Statistics are clear: people who wear a helmet survive more Washington motorcycle accidents than those who don't. 

Myth 3: It Is Safer to Ride on a Street than on an Interstate.

Many think that riding on a city street means slower speed, thus a smaller chance of crashing. However, riding on a street includes dealing with side streets, pedestrians, crossroads, and traffic moving in multiple directions. On controlled-access highways there are no pedestrians and no side streets from which a vehicle can appear out of nowhere. Because of this, it is actually safer to ride on an interstate than on a street.

Myth 4: A Motorcyclist Can Stop Better with the Conventional Brakes than with the Anti-Lock Brakes.

Anti-lock braking systems (ABS), which prevent a motorcycle wheel from ceasing to rotate while braking, allows the driver to have more steering control and prevents a skid. It is proven by many tests that motorcycles with ABS brakes stop in less distance than the conventional braking systems. The ABS brakes allow the wheel to continue to interact with the road surface, and are especially effective on slippery surfaces. Thus, the motorcycles with the ABS brakes can stop faster than the motorcycles with the conventional brakes.

Myth 5: If You Can't Avoid a Crash, Lay It Down.

When motorcycle riders lay down their bike when trying to avoid an impending crash, they give up any control over their bike, risking their own safety. Defense attorneys love to argue that some motorcyclists use "laying it down" as an excuse for not paying attention and losing control on the road. Laying a motorcycle down and not using the brakes may actually contribute to a biker suffering serious injuries from the impact with the ground. Sliding into a car while on the ground might be more dangerous than having a hard stop against it. Increasing your chance of the car running over you in my mind is not a good idea.  This is why "laying it down" is no longer taught at motorcycle safety courses across the nation: It is not safe.

If you've been in a Washington motorcycle accident that was caused by another careless driver the best place to start is by ordering our FREE book "7 Biggest Mistakes That Can Wreck Your Washington Motorcycle Accident Case."  By doing a little research and getting some information about the motorcycle injury claim process you can make an informed decision on how to handle your motorcycle accident case and decide whether it makes sense to hire a Washington motorcycle accident lawyer to help you.  Every case does not need an attorney.  However, cases with very serious injuries almost always do.