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Scott McDonald and Associates PLLC

Seattle Crosswalk Accident Result in Fatality

Posted on Jan 30, 2010
Pedestrian dies after being hit in a crosswalk by a car in Seattle.  The man was crossing Aurora Avenue North at 8:12 p.m. Thursday night.  The driver of the car that hit the pedestrian is under investigation for DUI.   

Pedestrian in crosswalks are in greater danger during the winter months in Washington state.  Fewer hours of daylight means more hours of walking in the darkness of night.  That's why it's important to cross roadways in a crosswalk.  Obviously, even then the cards are stack against you at times. 

You have the best chance of avoiding being hit by a car if you do use a crosswalk and exercise some common sense.  Cars often can't see you even when you're in the street within a crosswalk, especially if you're wearing dark non-reflective clothing.  So watch for cars, walk briskly across the street, and do all you can to save yourself from injury or worse.