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Phone: 425-822-5700
Scott McDonald and Associates PLLC

10 Things TO DO After a Washington Motorcycle Accident

1. Make sure everyone at the scene is OK. The first thing you should do after an accident, if you are able to move, is make sure everyone at the scene receives appropriate medical attention. If anyone is injured, call medical services immediately.
2. If possible, move away from the roadway to a safe location but stay at the scene of the motorcycle crash. Use hazard lights, warning triangles, or flares to alert oncoming traffic.
3. Exchange vital information with other drivers involved in the motorcycle accident. Get the name, address, phone number, and license numbers for all drivers and witnesses. Ask for the insurance companies and policy numbers for drivers involved in the motorcycle crash. Note plate numbers, car makes, models, colors, and descriptions.
4. If vehicle damage exceeds $500 or if anyone is injured, call the police and file an accident report. Motorcycle accidents rarely involve damages less than $500 and chances of an injury during a motorcycle crash are increased due to the motorcyclist’s exposure. Injuries are often not immediately apparent – neck and back injuries often become evident days after the accident occurred.
5. If you think you may be injured, go to the hospital. If you are offered medical attention but do not accept it and later – after the adrenaline subsides – feel increasing pain and seek compensation for your injuries, insurance companies will likely assume they are being conned and will try to deny your claim. If offered, do not refuse medical attention after a motorcycle crash.
6. Make a note of all important information about the accident – the location of the accident, road conditions, speed limits, weather, lighting, the direction of travel of the vehicles involved in the accident, and what the cars were doing at the time of the collision. Interview all witnesses and record their comments either at the scene of the accident or as soon after as possible. Memories quickly fade; get as much information as you can immediately following the motorcycle crash.
7. Photograph the accident scene if possible.
8. Get a copy of the police report. You will need it for your claim. Accident reports typically are available about 10 business days after the motorcycle crash. Review the police report to be sure that it generally coincides with your recollection of the accident.
9. Notify your Insurance.  Most insurance policies require you to report an accident within 24 hours of the accident. You need to notify the insurance company in order to preserve your right to later make claims for Medical Payments coverage, Personal Injury Protection (PIP) coverage, or uninsured motorist or underinsured motorist coverage.
10. Keep a Record.  You may be entitled to be reimbursed for all expenses incurred as a result of the accident, and all time missed from work.  Keep a written record of all expenses you pay and number of days missed from work.

11. Bonus! Order your FREE copy of our book the "7 Biggest Mistakes That Can Wreck Your Washington Motorcycle Accident Case."